Recipe: Tasty Hariyala laccha paratha (layered green flat bread)

Hariyala laccha paratha (layered green flat bread).

Hariyala laccha paratha (layered green flat bread) You can cook Hariyala laccha paratha (layered green flat bread) using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Hariyala laccha paratha (layered green flat bread)

  1. Prepare 2 cups of wheat flour.
  2. You need 1 cup of green puree (coriander, mint leaves, green garlic).
  3. It's 1 tbsp of oil.
  4. Prepare to taste of Salt.
  5. You need As required of Ghee for making paratha.
  6. It's For of For rolling paratha:.
  7. You need As needed of Oil+ flour.

Hariyala laccha paratha (layered green flat bread) step by step

  1. Mix oil and salt in flour and knead medium soft dough with green puree..
  2. Roll big thin roti, apply oil & sprinkle flour. Fold it like we fold a paper fan. Then roll the folded dough as shown in picture.(Like spiral)..
  3. Then roll it with light hand and cook like paratha from both side with ghee. Serve hot with any Indian curry..

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